Watery Wednesday # 81


The winter have finally loosen it's grip and the sun give some warmth.

Stockholm town hall on the other side of Riddarfjärden. / Stadshuset på andra sidan Riddarfjärden.

Other photos here,



1 Judy:

Yeah! Spring is finally arriving there. Nice photo.

2 Luna:

Top shot!

Happy Easter...Luna

3 Hedwig:

Så annorlunda vyn bakom Stadshuset blivit nu när nybygget vuxit fram.

4 Hilda:

This is the first time I've seen shards of ice floating on a river. Fascinating! I'm glad you're finally thawing up there.

Happy Watery Wednesday!

5 foto CHIP:

Vilken fin bild! Ljuset i bilden på vattnet är kanon och isflaken bildar ett fint mönster :)

Ha' det!

6 Erik "Semlan":

To Hilda: Looks inviting. :-) Must be good if it's warm. Thank's for your visit. Now we begin the nice spring with sun and warmer and warmer climate and all the flowers. But still below zero in the night.

Happy Easter! (Sorry, I can not post a comment in your blog.)

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